Saturday, March 20, 2010

Semana Santa Activity

March 28 (Sunday) - GAPKC Semana Santa/Annual Meeting

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Ernie Miller Nature Center, Olathe, KS

Ernie Miller Nature Center is located at 909 N Highway 7, Olathe, KS 66061. For a map, click here. 

This is the annual Semana Santa event and the annual membership meeting at which we elect the new Board.

The center opens at 12:30 if you want to come early to look at the displays and hands-on activities that are available.

We will have a fun craft (making cascarones) for the children to work on at the beginning of the event and possibly during the membership meeting. We will also learn a fun children's Easter song.

There will be a "market table" with LOTS of items from Guatemala for purchase at very reasonable prices. All of the profits will benefit an orphange and/or school in Guatemala.

We will also have a special guest speaker who will talk to us about the traditions of Semana Santa in Central America and how to make Horchata a traditional Guatemalan drink.

GAPKC will provide refreshments. If anyone would like to bring a "Guatemalan/Latin" treat/recipe to share, please do so.

We will also have the annual Easter Egg hunt for the children. We ask that each child that participates bring 1 dozen treat-filled plastic eggs (if you have 2 children, you would bring 2 dozen treat-filled plastic eggs). Each child will pick up 12 eggs to put in his or her basket (don't forget your baskets!).

At the membership meeting portion of this event, we will thank those who have served GAPKC during the past year, as well as ask for volunteers who would like to participate in GAPKC leadership during the coming year.
See you there!

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